"...In the dance of sun and water and sky. In the faces of the people who need us most and of the people we most need. In the smell of breakfast cooking on a charcoal fire. Who knows where we will find Him or whether we will recognize Him if we do? Who knows anything even approaching the truth of who He really was? But my prayer is that we will all of us find Him somewhere, somehow, and that He will give us something of his life to fill our emptiness, something of his light to drive back our dark"
-The Great Dance -Frederick Buechner

Friday, October 11, 2013

I love fall decorating:)

This has been a crazy week.  I'm tired and my house is crazy messy but both of my kids are sleeping and i'm super proud to say that I actually managed to be a bit crafty this week amidst the chaos.

I wanted to get some fall decorating done this week and I fell very short of what I actually wanted but I did manage to get a very subtle "shout-out-to-all- things-fall" display done on our floating shelves in the kitchen.

First off, Who doesn't remember doing these turkey hand prints in kindergarten?!?!?  We did some with Molly this week and she LOVED it and we even managed to get a few that worked out so I framed one.  She constantly points to it and says "Molly's hand".  I was excited to find an activity I could actually do with a busy two year old that we all loved (Nels was around to help for this one)

I also managed to spray paint a pumpkin which is something I've wanted to try for a long time now. I'm horrible at tutorials so I'll just tell ya I used frog tape vertically on the pumpkin and then I had some leftover paint from our kitchen chairs that I used to paint the entire thing.  I only did one coat, let it sit and then tore the tape off.  It's not perfect as you can tell by the close up shots but I was really happy with it and totally don't mind the imperfections.  It would be hard to make the lines SUPER perfect because of the uneven surface of the pumpkin.

Here's a side angle of my little pumpkin project where it's sitting

 And here's the whole space... easily one of my favourite places in the house to quickly change for the seasons.

 I haven't gotten around to getting any more fall decor going but I do love being super practical with decorating.  I love this little basket I got from Superstore last year and it's home to some fresh BC apples right now which is going to have to be considered a fall decoration right now:)

I saw that my sister had done something similar to this at her house and it looked super cute... definitely will consider it for next year!

My pumpkin project is linked up at A Swell Place to Dwell so check out all the other pumpkin projects


Cassie Bustamante said...

the striped pumpkin is perfect! love its modern look!

Julia@Cuckoo4Design said...

I agree with Cassie, I love the stripes...a lot!

chantbiebs said...

Thanks so much ladies... I've enjoyed seeing all of the pumpkin projects!! I wish I would have painted more than one... it looks so lonely by itself:)

Gretchen@BoxyColonial said...

Love the pumpkin and the spot you found for it! Thanks for linking up :)

Kelly @ A Swell Place to Dwell said...

First...I love the striped pumpkin, but second..that turkey hand is so adorable! What a fun keepsake to have of Molly's little hand. Thanks for linking up!