"I have learned that one can never go back, that one should not ever try to go back - that the essence of life is to go forward. Life really is a One Way Street." -Writer Agatha Christie
Tonight I was thinking back to being in University and living in the crappy apartment (known as baywood) that first year in Edmonton. Boy did I ever NOT know what I was getting myself into at the time. Even though it seems like I'm such a different person and that is such a different life sometimes I miss it. It was fun being so poor and not caring one bit. I remember living off a box of Christmas oranges one week because I didn't want to spend any of my student loan money on groceries. It was fun parking in that same spot by MacDonalds every day and going for that beautiful walk to school. It was fun going out with the girls and protecting Christine from creepy guys.
It seems so weird that that part of my life is over. Don't get me wrong I'm glad to be where I'm at right now but as life keeps on moving forward I tend to get a bit sad about everything that is over already and all of the people who are so far away.
I guess I can only hope and pray that my life continues to be filled with so much adventure and friendship and love and that one day maybe my heart will be ok with moving on.
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