"...In the dance of sun and water and sky. In the faces of the people who need us most and of the people we most need. In the smell of breakfast cooking on a charcoal fire. Who knows where we will find Him or whether we will recognize Him if we do? Who knows anything even approaching the truth of who He really was? But my prayer is that we will all of us find Him somewhere, somehow, and that He will give us something of his life to fill our emptiness, something of his light to drive back our dark"
-The Great Dance -Frederick Buechner

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Working on a house tour: Living Room

So I have yet to do any sort of updates in the form of a house tour mainly because I can't manage to keep the house clean enough to take pics:)

Needless to say I am really trying to get some pics taken so that I can share what we've been doing and more importantly what we dream of doing in each room.

I managed to get a few photos taken of the living room the other day that I wanted to share.  Not much has changed in here but we have some ideas that I'm super excited about.

One of my favourite views in the house is looking out from our office to the living room.  You can get a glimpse of the kitchen and the openness to upstairs.  I spent so much time standing in this spot dreaming about how to decorate these spaces while we were building and I still like to stand here and look at what we've done and what we could do.  The most obvious thing that needs to be done to me is the trim around all the railings.  Trim just finishes everything off so well so I'm excited to get painting so that so Nels can put it up.  

I am still very much in love with the armoire we got off of kijiji (love that it hides our TV) and recently we put that old phone on display which I'm loving.  I'm possible going to spray paint that lamp gold so if I do I'll post a pic.

I've never loved these boxy things.  When we originally moved in, the empty space by the fireplace just bugged me so much that I put them up.  Well, they've never come down but thanks to some leftover paint from our front door and some scrap-book paper I was able to make them a little more "me".  Still not in love but a bit better.  

Here's a look from the front door into the living room.  Our curtains are from Ikea and I talked about them here.  Mainly chosen because you cannot beat the price but at the end of the day I do really like the print.  I would love to add a bright patterned area rug like the one in this pic one day but I cannot believe the price of large area rugs.  I can't help but notice that our couch looks purple in this pic... IT'S NOT!!  I swear its just a nice grey colour:)

 Here's the look from the kitchen to the living room. That door you see is the master bedroom and to the left of it is the front door (not pictured).

We would LOVE to do built ins something like this on that large wall with the four white frames and little black shelves

The built ins would likely stretch from our bedroom door to the office doors (far right).  We're thinking of doing an Ikea hack with Billy Bookcases but we'll see.  Might not happen this winter (because we have a fairly major project that needs to get done)... but maybe next winter:  

If for some reason we don't think built ins will work we will probably do wainscoting along the bottom of that big wall and extend it to the front entrance to look something like this

We would also ADORE a sectional for this space something like this.  Right now I'm totally fine with our couch.  I actually kind of love it.  We had it custom made from a place in Calgary right after we got married so its a bit longer than the average couch (so Nels can lay down on it).  Our two faux leather chairs were also a steal.  We bought them for 60.00 each at Home Depot a few years ago.  Our blue coffee table is something I found in Dad's shed and painted Benjamin Moore Blue Nose awhile back.  This winter my goal is to antique it to look something like this and seal it really well because that's one step I've skipped in way too many of my painting projects:(  I'm a rookie at painting furniture.  

So as of October 2013 this is our living room.  We have some major trim painting/putting up planned for this week so I'm excited.  

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Summer 2013 project recap

We did a few projects outside this summer but here are two of my favourites...

#1 We painted the front door which I obviously love because I love how paint transforms a space.  I was searching for the perfect red FOREVER and settled on Geranium by Benjamin Moore.  We LOVE the colour.  At first I wanted more of a tangerine like this or even a bright yellow like this but Nels wanted red so I tried to compromise:)   I wasn't wanting a barn red so the red I picked seems a little bit like a lighter pink or tangerine.   I actually got the idea from some of the colour swatches Young House Love had posted on their site.  We're so happy with the red we're going to do one of our interior kitchen door in the same colour.

These stairs are also new... They're loads sturdier than the ones we had before.  Now we just need a railing but as you can see Molly is quite enjoying the new steps:)

Around the same time we painted the door, Nels started putting the lattice up around the house.  In the original plans for our house everything was ground level but because the water table was so high when we started digging we had to build the house quite a bit higher.  At first I couldn't get over the idea that the house seemed to be on stilts but as we added the deck and now the lattice I'm loving it more and more.  I'm super excited to add flower beds like this next year to make the whole thing seem more "put together"

Can't you just imagine some sweet sweet flower beds around the house like these beauties...

photo found here

Along with the lattice, steps and front door, we also mulched some trees, planted lilacs and built a sandbox so maybe I'll take some pics of those projects sometime soon.... Aaaah the summer was great!

Friday, October 11, 2013

I love fall decorating:)

This has been a crazy week.  I'm tired and my house is crazy messy but both of my kids are sleeping and i'm super proud to say that I actually managed to be a bit crafty this week amidst the chaos.

I wanted to get some fall decorating done this week and I fell very short of what I actually wanted but I did manage to get a very subtle "shout-out-to-all- things-fall" display done on our floating shelves in the kitchen.

First off, Who doesn't remember doing these turkey hand prints in kindergarten?!?!?  We did some with Molly this week and she LOVED it and we even managed to get a few that worked out so I framed one.  She constantly points to it and says "Molly's hand".  I was excited to find an activity I could actually do with a busy two year old that we all loved (Nels was around to help for this one)

I also managed to spray paint a pumpkin which is something I've wanted to try for a long time now. I'm horrible at tutorials so I'll just tell ya I used frog tape vertically on the pumpkin and then I had some leftover paint from our kitchen chairs that I used to paint the entire thing.  I only did one coat, let it sit and then tore the tape off.  It's not perfect as you can tell by the close up shots but I was really happy with it and totally don't mind the imperfections.  It would be hard to make the lines SUPER perfect because of the uneven surface of the pumpkin.

Here's a side angle of my little pumpkin project where it's sitting

 And here's the whole space... easily one of my favourite places in the house to quickly change for the seasons.

 I haven't gotten around to getting any more fall decor going but I do love being super practical with decorating.  I love this little basket I got from Superstore last year and it's home to some fresh BC apples right now which is going to have to be considered a fall decoration right now:)

I saw that my sister had done something similar to this at her house and it looked super cute... definitely will consider it for next year!

My pumpkin project is linked up at A Swell Place to Dwell so check out all the other pumpkin projects

Saturday, October 5, 2013

You know you haven't blogged for awhile when....

... you forget how to login to your own blog!!!!

After about a year of forgetting about this blog and a few conversations with Nels about just shutting 'er down I've decided that I love writing this too much to quit.  Blogging has been a fun way for me to look back at the progress of our house and some of our major life events.  Nels always encourages me to write things down anyway because its always been one of the best ways for me to communicate.  Especially with two little kids it seems like I can't really get out much so this is one of the ways I can have some sort of creative outlet.

Also... lets face it I'm a Pinterest addict so instead of just spending hours on Pinterest I thought it might be good to actually write about the loads of things I've actually attempted from Pinterest.  

With all of my re-establishing the blog ideas in mind, I will begin by documenting the hugest update in our lives and try to add some house stuff very soon. 

Ok, so the biggest change in our lives in the past few months has been the arrival of our sweet little girl Violet Helen Bieber on July 22 2013.  I am so in love with this person it is crazy.  The transition from 1 to 2 kids has been fairly smooth partly due to how well Violet sleeps and also the incredibleness of my husband:)  

My labour and delivery with Violet was quick and painful... 5 hours start to finish.  Kind of a chaotic experience compared to Molly which is funny because Violet has been such a calm, peaceful baby.  Without going into too much detail I will say we may have had a nurse who was panicking quite a bit and delivering the second time around may go faster but that doesn't mean you don't want to die because of the pain.  Praise the Lord once again for the laughing gas... I owe my life to that beautiful invention:)

One of the most exciting feelings I've ever had was hearing we had another girl.  There are a few moments in life that make living so rich and that moment when you deliver a human being is definitely one of them.  Knowing that Molly would have a sister and we would get to experience all of the girliness of life another time makes me very excited.  

Watching Molly grow into the big sister role has also been one of my greatest joys and it actually brings me to tears sometimes when I see her and Violet together.  Don't get me wrong sometimes Molly isn't a the most gentle but there are those precious times when she wants to hold Violet or calls her cute or lights up when she smiles that make me so excited for these two sisters:)

Nels and I often look at each other and marvel over how we created these two people.  It really is a miracle and I truly feel blessed.