"...In the dance of sun and water and sky. In the faces of the people who need us most and of the people we most need. In the smell of breakfast cooking on a charcoal fire. Who knows where we will find Him or whether we will recognize Him if we do? Who knows anything even approaching the truth of who He really was? But my prayer is that we will all of us find Him somewhere, somehow, and that He will give us something of his life to fill our emptiness, something of his light to drive back our dark"
-The Great Dance -Frederick Buechner

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Chair Experience


We picked up our dining room table yesturday and i'm pretty darn excited about it. Too bad it has to stay in the box for another 2 months or so before we're ready to actually put it in the house.

Here it is (didn't get the chairs to go with it)
Throughout the summer I bought 8 chairs. 4 from kijiji and 4 from a thrift store in Sundre (which was an awesome little thrift store by the way). All summer long I told myself I would sand and paint the chairs. The sanding happened on about 1/2 of them but the painting did not. Finally made it to Walmart on Friday to buy some test paint to see if I liked to colour.

Here's the butt of the chair... after the sanding. I started out using an electric sander and then realized all I really needed to do was rough the finish up and not actually remove it all:)

PRIMER: took an entire can for 1 chair so turns out it will cost about 10.00 per chair to paint which i am okay with because I paid about 100.00 for all 8 chairs. Love the fact that the chairs are all solid wood and still have a good long life ahead of them

I actually liked the look of the chair with only the primer... looked very vintage but it was a bit too white for me
SPRAY PAINT: Ivory colour, Satin finish.

Still might do a few finishing touches but overall I'm pretty happy with the results! Yah for whiteness!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Just when I thought the week couldn't get any better

... Eggnog is out in Superstore everyone!! Wahoo. I am sooo looking forward to my morning coffee tomorrow

Monday, October 11, 2010


Just got back from a good good weekend in Salmon Arm. Got to see lots of good friends and family who we do not get to see enough of.
Very thankful for the people in our lives who make it interesting and fun and worth it.

newly weds, veteran weds and soon to be weds
Zander watching Monster Trucks

Our small but awesome clan for thanksgiving dinner:)
Nelly is slightly jealous of Eric's I-phone
nearly a pyramid
the best

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I miss this tiny person

She moved across the ocean with her mom and dad to hang out with the people of Japan and I miss them all. I hope she doesn't forget us while she's gone because then I might cry.